Children are being killed in our city! Do something to stop it!

Children are being killed in our city! Do something to stop it!
What did the Coptic Christians — slaughtered by ISIS — believe, and why does it matter? How should we think about what it means to be a Christian?
Understanding the fall helps us to understand
I have gotten several request for audio-only versions of my apologetics series. So, I’ve finally put that together!
Here is a video of the talk I gave on the problem of evil to […]
Many have taken to writing responses to the Newsweek article The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s […]
Regardless of your thoughts about the quality of the production in the movie “God’s not […]
Books Tactics by Greg Koukl Unapologetic by Brian Seagraves I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be […]
As humans, we think all the time. We think about needing to eat. Or that […]
I wrote and sang this for Patricia on our wedding day.