Is it time to get rid of the old phrase “love the sinner, hate the sin”? Should Christians even hate other people’s sin?

Is it time to get rid of the old phrase “love the sinner, hate the sin”? Should Christians even hate other people’s sin?
Where does “loving our neighbor” fit with loving our God? And how does it fit with submitting to the authority of the Bible?
One of the results of increasing spiritual maturity is an increasing peace. Here are three areas in particular.
Is faith “the great cop-out” like Richard Dawkins says? Here are 2 points to consider about biblical faith.
Sweating blood and having water come out when you’re stabbed are very strange events. Find out how these give the gospels cridibility.
We do a good job teaching simple truths to young children, but we need to be intentional about adding to this as children get older.
Discrimination isn’t wrong, and we can’t live life without discriminating. Learn 2 tips to discriminate better.
How love is best understood? Through the cross. How is love best expressed? Through the church. We also consider where biblical love fits in a society that wants us to celebrate same-sex relationships.
You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to enter into conversations, when you know how to use questions to your advantage.
Our existence, free-will decision make abilities, and knowledge of morality make more sense of reality than atheism.