Everyone is talking about love, but what does that word mean and how is it best understood? Further, how should we express love in our culture today?

Everyone is talking about love, but what does that word mean and how is it best understood? Further, how should we express love in our culture today?
Does “I can do all things through Christ” refer to winning at sports and other physical things, or does it mean we can be content in Christ?
We are not a Christian Nation, but we had better be Christians in our nation.
Here is a video of the talk I gave to City Church Tallahassee’s College group the day after the mass murder at the Orlando night club.
A response to three common criticisms of conservative Christians and their handling of the transgender debate.
Ted Cruz had a conversation that, regardless of your political views, holds some great lessons for all of us.
Daniel 4 shows that we make much of our kingdoms, but God will not share his glory. He also ordains the ends and the means to the greatest good.
More than even before, Christians need to be able to make bridges to the gospel. Here, we look at Acts 17 where Paul, being motived by the glory of God, addresses people who didn’t have a Christian worldview.
Rosa Parks was moved to action through a little know event. Find out what it was and how you could potentially motivate the next soon-to-be Rosa Parks!
Since the Bible is God’s word, we need to appreciate how it uses language in different styles so we can understand it correctly.