Palm 19 shows us how God has revealed his glory in nature and in Scripture.
How Gospel-Centered Is Your Apologetic?
If you’re passionate about apologetics, you’re probably well-prepared to discuss worldview issues, but are you also ready to explain and defend Christian theology and the gospel?
Three Steps to Better Doctrinal Disagreements
Sometimes, disagreeing is the most loving thing we can do, but disagreeing in a way that isn’t disagreeable is a skill that takes practice to develop.
Sermon: Mark 10 (Divorce and Remarriage)
Here is a sermon I preached at City Church, Tallahassee, Fl on March 11th, 2018. […]
Apples, Bananas, Men, and Women
CNN’s common sense point about apples and bananas applies nicely to men and women too.
A Response to the Liturgists Statement
A biblical response to the Liturgists statement on LGBT / any consensual relationships being holy and God Honoring.
Sermon: Why Should We Trust the Bible?
We look at Jesus’ view of scripture and 5 lines of supporting evidence for the trustworthyness of scripture.
Sermon: Mark 7 – Legalism and Evil’s Source
In Mark 7, we look at the issues of legalism and man’s main issue being his heart, where evil actions come from.
Sermon: Mark 3
This was preached at City Church in Tallahassee, FL on March 13th, 2017 We cover […]
Three Quick Points on Science
Christians can’t afford to be unprepared to address claims that Science has disproved Christianity or the Bible. Here are three quick points on science.