Sermon: Mark 3
March 13, 2017
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This was preached at City Church in Tallahassee, FL on March 13th, 2017 We cover

Three Quick Points on Science
September 20, 2016
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Christians can’t afford to be unprepared to address claims that Science has disproved Christianity or the Bible. Here are three quick points on science.

Sermon: Love is Best Understood Through the Cross
July 23, 2016
Everyone is talking about love, but what does that word mean and how is it best understood? Further, how should we express love in our culture today?

Sermon: Philippians 4 – Christ-Centered Contentment, not the Prosperity Gospel
July 6, 2016
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Does “I can do all things through Christ” refer to winning at sports and other physical things, or does it mean we can be content in Christ?

America: A Christian Nation or Christians In A Nation?
July 5, 2016
We are not a Christian Nation, but we had better be Christians in our nation.

Video: The Problem of Evil, in the Wake of the Orlando Massacre
June 16, 2016
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Here is a video of the talk I gave to City Church Tallahassee’s College group the day after the mass murder at the Orlando night club.