The doctrines of Christianity fit together; you can’t change one without changing others. This week we look at examples from the person and work of Jesus.
Sermon: Psalm 19 – The Glory of God Proclaimed
Palm 19 shows us how God has revealed his glory in nature and in Scripture.
Episode 163 – When Should We Discriminate?
What is discrimination and is it something Christians should not do? Should the Christian baker just “bake the cake?”
Episode 162 – Why Is God Necessary?
God is the necessary being. Nothing would have begun to exist or continue to exist without him.
Episode 161 – Was there a Split in the Trinity at the Cross?
Was their a break in the Trinity at the Cross? How should we understand Jesus saying, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Episode 160 – What’s New About New Testament Morality?
How new is the New Testament compared to the old, and what is the relationship of its moral teaching?
How Gospel-Centered Is Your Apologetic?
If you’re passionate about apologetics, you’re probably well-prepared to discuss worldview issues, but are you also ready to explain and defend Christian theology and the gospel?
Episode 159 – Isn’t The Greater Forgiveness When The Debt Isn’t Paid?
Wouldn’t God have been more gracious if no one had to die for sins to be forgiven?
Episode 158 – Euthanasia: How Should We Treat People At The End Of Life?
How should we think Christianly about ending life for those who are terminally ill?
Episode 157 – Believing God Vs. Believing In God
Can someone trust Jesus and not be saved? We look at some categories to make sense of the different ways belief is talked about in scripture.